When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I found that the Play Dough tile floor that I had worked so hard to create had dried and crack-a-lacked.
All my hard work, for naught. (This picture was taken Tuesday night, and does not show the crackage.)
The "we're doomed" e-mails to Jess and Doug started around 9:30 a.m. I had seen Jessica that morning, but she had not yet pried her eyes open enough to take a good look, and I think she was running late for the bus. We didn't exactly discuss logistics over breakfast. We don't discuss anything over breakfast. We don't talk to each other before noon.
We all worked a long day on Wednesday, so we didn't make any progress on the diorama. But, Doug made it to the store to get more Play Dough and some fresh Peeps.
After work on Thursday, I stopped by Target to look for Play Dough, since I wasn't sure if Doug had gathered any supplies. The Target by me was in the middle of renovations, which made clay of any kind impossible to find. I walked over to the fabric store, where they had no-bake clay. I also picked up Mod Podge, the best adhesive ever made and quite possibly the equivalent of crack for crafters.
We stole Doug's stash of supplies from his roommate and got down to work. Our goal was to replace the floor inside the clinic, and we were pretty proud of ourselves when we were finished:
Jessica places clay (and a few Play Dough) tiles inside the clinic.
We put down all the tiles, and then smothered that crap with Mod Podge. It seriously got out of hand. But we needed the floor to stick this time, and to maintain its shape.
Unfortunately, every time we start working on a diorama, the living room ends up looking like this:
But we can't give away too many details yet. Stay tuned for more....
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