Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saturday Marathon, Part III

Time for a little interior design magic, shall we?

What do you see when you walk into the doctor's office, minute-clinic, or emergency room?  About 8,000 of these posters to tell you to cover your darn mouth.  So I 'shopped up a couple (bilingual!) posters to remind our Peep friends to cover their little Peep coughs.

Our tiny nurse hats were constructed from index cards.  Simple and easy and darn cute if I may opine.  Doug had his heart set on a vomiting Peep, so here it is.  The bucket is made out of clay, and we used some leftover hot glue trash to stick in the bucket...just for fun.  I know, you're amused.  So were we.

Here's an overhead view of the clinic interior.  On the blue table, you'll see tiny reproductions of the cough posters.  Jessica cut them out and made it look like there were stacks of pamphlets on the table.

It might be hard to see in this photo, but we made tiny syringes for the nurses and doctors.  We took pieces of paper clips and spun some hot glue around them to make it look like the barrel of the syringe.  

Here are some of the snacks Doug brought up after his dinner break as we finished the diorama:

Mmm, beans and booze.  (I added the umbrella).

Okay, that's it, go away for now.  Next I'll show you some overall photos of the finished product.  And then maybe we'll judge some of this year's contestants on our own!

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